Contracted Crew Resource Management training

We have developed a complete training concept which enables us to deliver CRM training courses with a quality that is unmatched, contents that are suited for the specific operation – and for a cost that is lower than you think.

Our wide variety of Crew Resource Management and human factors courses are suitable for all kinds of air operations. We specialize uniquely in Crew Resource Management training and we invest substantial time out of the classroom on developing courseware, testing ideas, finding case studies and attending other courses so we can constantly improve and keep up to date.

Our team delivers anything from the one-off session to a long-term agreement between us.


Outsource your Crew Resource Management training to us

The are many benefits to outsourcing your Crew Resource Management training to Huminact. You save the costs of allocating crew members for costly preparation time schedule your crews to fly and get a conceptualized CRM concept that has been tested. Our team delivers a
course when you want – often at short notice which gives you more flexibility. Perhaps the most important element is an instructor or trainer with no hats on.

Our training offers conceptual communication tools that are simple to use and implement and makes communication effective and standardized.  Our training aims to build on students knowledge year after year which helps to create a red line and culture throughout the organization.


We promise that all courses are fully compliant with EASA, FAA, ICAO, CAA and CASA. Compliance is our responsibility.

L. Fonseca - First Officer
Zimex Aviation - CRM recurrent course

Nice! Interactions were exciting, good dynamic, interesting content. Well prepared by Jesper. Interesting breakdown of case study. It relates a lot to company models for handling automation failures and startle. Brain science is always a hit. Good job!

C. Almqvist - Captain
European Flight Service - CRM recurrent course

I found the module on power/individualism extremely interesting. Always fantastic!!! Engaging and thought provoking!

J. Luis - Pilot
West Atlantic Sweden - LIFUS course

I liked the focus on the trainer's role, practicing the facilitative approach via role plays as a Line Training Captain using the suggested techniques like the different learning styles and the open/closed questions. Very useful and very well structured and facilitated. Keep up the good job and see you in September!

T. Steinbak Zimex Aviation - CRM initial course

I am really impressed by this course. I learned a lot in a way that I think I will remember a lot, just by the teaching style. It is really effective and I understand why crews have to take this course. The contents and the way Jesper taught them exceeded my expectations and I learned much more than I expected beforehand.

Benefits for your organization

  • A toolbox of communication and behavioral adjustment tools for everyone and potentially across the organisation
  • A more conceptualized and goal oriented CRM training
  • Consistently high quality
  • CRM training with a long-term perspective
  • Training experiences that lead to reflection and effective changes
  • The option of having your training course online
  • A CRM trainer with no hats on; creates a safe environment for speaking up
  • A thoroughly tested CRM concept that builds – year after year


Our company name Huminact has derived from "human interaction" or "humans in action". Because this is what we are all about. We improve systems, processes, procedures and safety - through humans.
Consultancy and exertise in Crew Resource Management and humand factors
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