CRM initial course

Fully EASA, ICAO, CAA , FAA and CASA compliant!

Duration: 2 days (16 hours)

Format: on-site or online in any time-zone

Who should attend: pilots and cabin crew when joining an operator for the first time

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Average rating on this course

A CRM initial course with a big impact

Huminact´s CRM initial course takes our participants on a fascinating journey that will challenge the individual´s perception of their own of capabilities, beliefs and biases. How well do they truly listen? How open are they really to input. What are the patterns of their individual behaviour style? How good are they at waiting to execute action until all information has been considered? These are all topics that can be sensitive to touch on, but we believe they are fundamental to achieve learning that will make a true difference and improve safety – locally and globally.

We actively practice communication tools and create plenty of reflection and participants will take away our conceptualized tools designed to adjust their own behaviour.  In all honesty, we are a little proud of this course (which you may have already sensed). But CRM is about enabling change and moving people – and this CRM initial course is our “flagship” within this field.

Thousands of pilots and cabin crew have attended this CRM initial course – and with an average rating of 4,96 out of five stars the results speak for themselves.

Book us for a highly interactive, well-structured CRM initial course for pilots and cabin crew

Book the world´s best CRM initial course

Our CRM initial course fulfills the EASA requirements in AMC 1 ORO.FC.115, AMC 3 ORO.FC.115 & AMC 1 ORO.CC.115(e)

We equally comply with the latest EASA regulations which came into effect on March 26th 2023.

EASA - Easy access rules for air operators - revision published December 2022


What people say about this course

The best CRM initial course I have ever attended. And then to think it was online. I enjoyed the way that even though we covered different topics, they were all connected in a circle which made perfect sense. I have done so many CRM classes and this is by far the best. Jesper went above and beyond my expectations. I would recommend him worldwide. Excellent ! Extraordinary! Well done Sir.

F. Boegheim - Captain

Excellent course and trainer! Superb top level CRM training. Very hands on, never boring, interactive, timely, efficient, extremely useful and interesting. Impactful and gives an impulse to keep learning and improving.

Florian S - First Officer

Very knowledgeable and able to bring people back to apply the very basics and see that is doesn't take much to change. Thanks for that. Much appreciated 😊

Norbert H - Crew Planner 

By far the best CRM course I ever had during my 8 years of flying. The commitment of the instructor was great. Explains different views when you get stuck. I was impressed how he is able to go back and link to courses and parts of what have been said and trained for.

Tobias H - First Officer


We take full responsibility for compliance (we have had a few CAA inspectors overlooking our shoulder several times). We cover ALL topics as required by the regulators around the world. But we do it in a way that surprises and challenges the individual´s perception of themselves and the people around them.

Download full course programme and syllabus

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