Teamwork and synergy


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Time: from 50-60 minutes

Everyone agrees that teamwork is important. And most people feel that they are good teamworkers. However, to what extent is this true. Synergy is another well-known term in CRM and Human Factors training. But what is it and how do we achieve it?

Lesson plan on Teamwork and Synergy

How open are people really to input? How easily do we as humans dismiss information from other people without realizing it? What are the implications and what can we do to increase our openness to other people’s perception?

In this lesson plan on teamwork and synergy we examine the individual´s perception of their own contributions to a team. Active involvement is a fundamental part of effective learning and we have included several elements to activate your students or trainees. This includes group work for your students to complete as well as suggestions for a small case study which is powerful to help you underline the key learning elements. But the thing we are most proud is the simple yet powerful group activity (one of our all-time favourites) that we present. we naturally make sure to cover the debriefing of the activity in great detail, so you can extract the essentials and achieve the highest possible level of learning yourself. The lesson plan offers a step by step guide for you to follow.

This product is downloadable straight away and contains the following:

  • Lesson plan (complete with questions to ask, what to put on the flip chart/whiteboard)
  • Powerpoint with slides that match the lesson plan
  • Automation quiz (student hand out)
  • Intervention scenario (student hand out)

Download now and prove to your trainees that true synergy DOES exist in the right circumstances. It is guaranteed to create laughter, surprise and open eyes and prove valuable points.

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